


The system will provide you with a summary of the results of the calculations for the scenarios you selected, using your concentrations input, and the HBGV or BMDL you selected. It will present a short overview of your input; the HBGV or BMDL, the commodity, and concentration of the chemical.

Then the output will show the scenario's name, consumption quantity, intake of the chemical, and the ratio between the calculated intake of the chemical and the permissible exposure level. In EAST 2 you will also find the body weight used in each scenario. In accordance with the EU food safety system, all versions of EAST will provide a ratio in red ("unsafe") when the exposure exceeds the HBGV or is below the critical Margin of Exposure. The ratio will be presented in green ("safe") when exposure is less than the HBGV or above the critical value for the Margin of Exposure. For each scenario it will also show the Limit of Rejection, and the Maximum Consumption Quantity.

No Data

EAST 2 and EAST 3 present the results in tabular format. In EAST 3 the different percentiles of consumption quantities are presented in the same row, for each scenario. Due to the nature of the EFSAs Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database it is possible to see "No Data" for some scenarios in EAST 3. For example: for toddlers and children when one is referring to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Beware that No Data does not mean, that there is no consumption for the commodity that was selected. It means that this scenario was not included in the survey. A value of 0 for the intake correponds however hat the food was not consumed.


The output screen of EAST 2 and EAST 3 will show a button [ Download PDF ]. This will provide you with a PDF file, showing your input and the results.
Besides you will find a button [ New Concentration ]. This will lead you to another web page where you can use a new concentration as input. After [ Calculate ] the system will show the evaluation screen with the results of the new calculation, using the same scenario of the previous calculations. In this way you can more quickly test a range of concentrations.
EAST 3 will provide here also the possibility to download a csv file; this file contains the input and the results in a format that can be imported in spreadsheet programs and statistical software, for further analysis.