
Regulation (EC) 915/2023

Annex I
Maximum levels for certain contaminants in food(1)

4.1 Dioxins and PCBs: Sum of non dioxin-like PCBs

ReferenceNumberingFoodstuffsMaximum Level (ng/g)Remarks
Sum of non dioxin-like PCBs is of PCB28, PCB52, PCB101, PCB138, PCB153 and PCB180 (ICES - 6).
Maximum levels refer to upper bound concentrations, which are calculated on the assumption that all the values of the different congeners below the limit of quantification are equal to the limit of quantification.
M64.1.1 Meat and meat products except edible offal and products listed in 4.1.3 and 4.1.4(2) The maximum level expressed on fat does not apply to food containing less than 2 % fat. For food containing less than 2 % fat, the maximum level applies on a product basis.
This maximum level is calculated using this formula: Maximum level expressed on a product basis (for food containing less than 2 % fat) = maximum level expressed on fat (for that food) × 0.02.
B4.1.1.1 Meat and meat products except edible offal and products listed in 4.1.3 and 4.1.4(2) of bovine, ovine and caprine animals 40 ng/g fat -
B4.1.1.2 Meat and meat products except edible offal and products listed in 4.1.3 and 4.1.4(2) of pigs 40 ng/g fat -
B4.1.1.3 Meat and meat products except edible offal and products listed in 4.1.3 and 4.1.4(2) of poultry 40 ng/g fat -
B4.1.1.4 Meat and meat products except edible offal and products listed in 4.1.3 and 4.1.4(2) of horse - -
B4.1.1.5 Meat and meat products except edible offal and products listed in 4.1.3 and 4.1.4(2) of rabbit - -
B4.1.1.6 Meat and meat products except edible offal and products listed in 4.1.3 and 4.1.4(2) of wild boar (Sus scrofa) - -
B4.1.1.7 Meat and meat products except edible offal and products listed in 4.1.3 and 4.1.4(2) of wild game birds - -
M64.1.1.8of Cervidae - -
B4.1.10 Marine oils (fish body oil, fish liver oil and oils of other marine organisms placed on the market for the final consumer) 200 ng/g fat -
M64.1.11 Raw milk(2) and dairy products(2) 40 ng/g fatIncluding butter fat. The maximum level expressed on fat does not apply to food containing less than 2 % fat. For food containing less than 2 % fat, the maximum level applies on a product basis.
This maximum level is calculated using this formula: Maximum level expressed on a product basis (for food containing less than 2 % fat) = maximum level expressed on fat (for that food) × 0.02.
M64.1.12 Eggs and egg products except goose eggs(2) 40 ng/g fatThe maximum level expressed on fat does not apply to food containing less than 2 % fat. For food containing less than 2 % fat, the maximum level applies on a product basis.
This maximum level is calculated using this formula: Maximum level expressed on a product basis (for food containing less than 2 % fat) = maximum level expressed on fat (for that food) × 0.02.
B4.1.13 Vegetable oils and fats 40 ng/g fat -
B4.1.14 Food intended for infants and young children(3) 1.0 ng/g wet weight The maximum level applies to the products ready to use (placed on the market as such or after reconstitution as instructed by the manufacturer).
B4.1.2 Liver and derived products thereof Liver and derived products thereof -
B4.1.2.1 Liver and derived products thereof of bovine and caprine animals, pigs, poultry and horse 3.0 ng/g wet weight -
B4.1.2.2 Liver and derived products thereof of ovine animals 3.0 ng/g wet weight -
B4.1.2.3 Liver and derived products thereof of wild game birds - -
B4.1.3 Fat -
B4.1.3.1 Fat of bovine animals and sheep 40 ng/g fat -
B4.1.3.2 Fat of pigs 40 ng/g fat -
B4.1.3.3 Fat of poultry 40 ng/g fat -
B4.1.4 Mixed animal fats 40 ng/g fat -
B4.1.5 Fishery products(2) and bivalve molluscs(2) except products listed in 4.1.6, 4.1.7, 4.1.8, 4.1.9 and 4.1.10 75 ng/g wet weight In case of fish, maximum level applies to muscle meat of fish. Where fish are intended to be eaten whole, the maximum level applies to the whole fish. The maximum level for crustaceans applies to muscle meat from appendages and abdomen, that means, that the cephalothorax of crustaceans is excluded.
B4.1.6 Muscle meat of wild caught fresh water fish and products thereof 125 ng/g wet weight Except diadromous fish species caught in fresh water and products thereof Where fish are intended to be eaten whole, the maximum level applies to the whole fish.
B4.1.7 Muscle meat of wild caught spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) and products thereof 200 ng/g wet weight -
B4.1.8 Muscle meat of wild caught eel (Anguilla anguilla) and products thereof 300 ng/g wet weight -
B4.1.9 Fish liver and derived products thereof except products listed in 4.1.10 200 ng/g wet weight In the case of canned fish liver, the maximum level applies to the whole edible content of the can.