
Directive (EC) 32/2002
Annex Maximum levels of undesirable substances in animal feed

Organochlorine compounds (except dioxins and PCBs) 6. Endosulfan (sum of alpha- and beta-isomers and of endosulfansulphate expressed as endosulfan)

Reference Products intended for animal feed mg/kg Note
M19Feed materials and compound feed0.1
M19Feed materials and compound feed: cotton seed and products derived from the processing thereof, except crude cotton seed oil0.3
M19Feed materials and compound feed: soybean and products derived from the processing thereof, except crude soybean oil0.5
M19Feed materials and compound feed: crude vegetable oil1
M19Feed materials and compound feed: complete feed for fish except for Salmonids0.005
M19Feed materials and compound feed: complete feed for Salmonids0.05